Monday, April 24, 2006

the burning smell !

Evening time... shock comes back home and finds a burning smell in the house.. but can't find the source. Within 5 mins Atul reaches home too and he too gets the smell... he comes to shock and asks "hey whats that burning smell" ?

sock replies that he doesn't know where its coming from. Atul walks around the house, comes back to shock and says "Hey, are you playing games with me.. tell me, where is it coming from ?" .. shock gets a bit sterner "I told you I don't know"

anyways, it was left at that as the smelll slowly subsided. the next day Atul kocks on shock's door and declares "Hey, I zeroed in on the source of the smell. Apparently I had kept a pan on the stove and switched it on, thinking I will heat roti, and then forgot about that and went to campus. After about 2 hrs Vishal found it and switched it off. Don't worry, I will replace the pan" !!!

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