Friday, September 16, 2005


Atul is picking up Vindo from somewhere... on the way, he runs out of gas.... yeah, the CAR STOPS.. apparently the needle has hit the empty button 3 days before, our man has been too busy to fill gas !!

Calls up shock,gets a ride and gets a coke bottle and empties it to fill gas ... While returning from the gas station with the filled bottle in shocks car, our man asks "Hey whats that smell in the car ?"

Talking of figure skating

Come weekend, and for Vindo its time for variety activities... figure skating, horse riding, biking,volleyball, marathon practice,... so much so that he is ultra busy on weekends

Atul and Vindo are together for figure skating and on saturday early morning (read 10 am), they are supposed to take turns to wake each other up

Once it was Vindo's turn and he conveniently sleeps off... Atul wakes up 30 min after the scheduled class time, goes and bangs on Vindo's room and says "what man, u didn't wake me up.. we are late"

Vindo gets up, looks at his watch and says "Thanks man, just in time for my horse riding class"


Atul's accounts

Amount paid for figure skating registration : $80
No: of red light violation tickets while going for figure skating classes: 2
Amount paid as fine, while driving to figure skating classes : 150$