Friday, March 04, 2005

Have u seen the white house ?

This was the time when we were all just a few weeks in US

University takes us on a DC trip (but they don't take us to white house) ... twice atul got seperated from the group.. first time, he got back with some ones help... second time he was enjoying the pictures in the art gallery and the group just walked away.. when everyone's home atul is missing.. he comes back late and when we start making fun of him for being so absent minded, quick comes the reply "I just went on a walk... Have u guys seen the white house yet? I did"

It was not too long before we realised that when atul actually gets home, thats because he has lost his way, and accidentally got to the house .. whenever he tried actually coming home, he ended up somewhere else !! (yeah bit of an exagg...)

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