Monday, October 01, 2007

Whats in a name?

After shock left 8309 in Aug 07 to join his job we got a new replacement, Mitesh Patel. After Atul had left the house Don tried to make up by providing funny incident but who can match Atul's capacity to make you laugh (Man, I can't take picture of Atul sleeping in his car at red signal out of mind!!). Anyway, after Mitesh came our hoped revived that finally we could have more material for this blog keep going. Number of funny incidents at house hasn't decreased though general enthu to record these incidents has decreased. Lets hope this revival works.

To start with,

When Mitesh came to the house no one cud remember his name... Don mistakenly called him Himesh, I called him Hitesh and Harish called Mahesh....
After that we realized this guy also has a knack of remembering wrong names... He once asked me "Who was that Bay you were talking to?"... I never knew anyone named Bay...
Finally we realized that he was referring to Wayne... then he asked who this Alok was?... After 5 min we realised that he is referring to Anmol...
Then he came up with Siddharth... Now this was limit. Siddharth meant Sanket.

Most funny incident was when Saurabh came to the house with his family. Everyone introduced everyone else but somehow Mitesh remembered Saurabh by his father's name, Rakesh... when Mitesh was leaving he waived towards Saurabh and said "Bye bye Rakesh"... May be Saurabh didn't get it but we laughed our stomach out later on...


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